Deeply grieved by the current statistics that point to pornography’s growing infectious presence within the Church— now reportedly an ongoing struggle in nearly 75% of Christian men’s lives, 50% of Christian pastors lives, and 38% of christian women’s lives— I felt called to write this book in hopes of seeing the dark forces at work behind the scenes in porn exposed, and unplugged from the lives of those who truly want help finding a way to end the dominion of pornographic intimacy. My objective is to help men and women awaken to the supernatural battle for the deepest affections of their hearts, to joyfully embrace holiness, and to establish the real intimacy with God and access to the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit that we all were made for.
This book is part autobiography—chronicling the beautiful, tireless hunt that Jesus took up in order to rescue me from my own personal conflict—and part strategic battle manual, applicable for the earnest freedom-seeker. I believe it will be very helpful to those ready to finally put an end to the destructive presence of porn in their lives. It will also prove to be a friend to those needing help loving others who struggle in this arena, and an effective resource to counselors and pastors. Holy. War. How I ended my affair with porn and fell in love with Jesus. Available at (in paperback, Kindle, and audible formats) in English and Spanish (ebook under the title, Guerra. Santa.)
"Jeffrey's book is unfiltered truth about sexual addiction. He correctly reveals the connection between pornography, adultery and idolatry. Jeffrey also unmasks the father of lies who is waging war against the children of God; wreaking havoc on their intimacy with their heavenly Father, their marriages, and their ministries. This is a spiritual battle that the church must win or the casualties will continue to fall by the wayside." Dr. Neil T. Anderson, Founder and President of Freedom in Christ Ministries
Undying Love Undying love was published in 2011 in Alexandria Egypt, in Arabic. It contains the my brief insights and historical record to accompany original illustrations I painted, each depicting moments of inspiration, beauty, and sacrifice taken from the testimonies of martyrs around the world throughout 2000 years of Christian history. It was written for the purpose of encouraging the persecuted church in Egypt and the Middle East. It is not available in English at this time. |
In final editing: Painting the Whispers
Painting the Whispers is the true-life story about my extensive work as an oil painter on a journey of personal discovery and the surprising turn it took to connect me to Ezekiel 37 and the present day Aliyah movement—the return of the global Jewish population to the physical land of Israel. This book tells of my ever-growing faith, my humanitarian efforts, and the related artwork that has taken me around the world. From living in the African bush— sketching AIDS orphans to connect the heart of the affluent West with the desperate plight of the poor—to living in Jerusalem and presenting a prophetic painting to a city mayor in a community under constant threat from rocket fire, I relate some of Caryn Beth’s and my extraordinary experiences in the struggles and triumphs of our pursuit of life’s deepest values. This is our captivating record of supernatural encounters, and the travel, inspired artwork, and poetry that flowed from them. |
At a time when his society was on the very brink of collapse and impending exile, the prophet Isaiah received a revelation of a far distant future. His vision was one in which men - all men - would play a personal role in shaping their world into an unstoppably vibrant, healthy society.
During my years in Mozambique when the AIDS crisis was shaking Africa to it's core, I stumbled upon Isaiah's prophecy while searching for Biblical answer to the deadly challenges that surrounded us. What I found woven within God's words spoken by Isaiah was a calling for all of us to lean into. I became convinced to the depths of my being that godly men can truly change the world for the best if we take up the high call to intercession, to practical care-giving, to seeing ourselves as a primary source of the flow of the Holy Spirit, and to receiving and reflecting the mind of Christ to the extent that our very shadow points to the cross. Bright Lights for Dark Nights explores this audacious hope I discovered in Isaiah's prophecy. In helping to paint a godly vision for activating men around the world, it has been my privilege to see many men living in diverse cultures break free of the hell-spawned concerns that haunt both men and their society at large. Bright Lights for Dark Nights, A prophetic vision for the impact of godly men. Available at (in paperback and Kindle formats) in English.