Painted in South Korea, June, 2012
(The following is a journal entry my wife shared with me, recording a vision she had of Yeshua as a Fisherman. The vision took place during worship at a conference in Jerusalem, where many nations had gathered for the breaking of bread and prayer specifically concerning the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in the nations of the Middle and Far East. The vision Caryn Beth saw went beyond what I have included below; I share here the parts of it that I drew from for this painting, which was given to a House of Prayer in South Korea. The painting is both a revelation and an invitation for help with the harvest.)
"During the corporate worship at the beginning of the meeting, I saw Yeshua appear as a Fisherman, high and lifted up over us all. He showed us His hands. I could see that His finger-tips were pricked with handling the fishhooks that He used to fish for the souls of men and women. His hands were weather-worn, strong, and dry from work. I kissed them, thanking Him.
"Then I saw Him pulling in a net of fish. He was using big and thick ropes -- heavy -- His net was heavy, just full of fresh fish. He was walking towards us. I could see that His left shoulder was bruised and slightly bleeding, because the weight of the load of fish that hung in His net, slung over His shoulder, was so heavy. His shoulders and arms were strong for the task. I blessed His labor.
"I then saw silver Fish-hooks coming down from heaven -- He was looking over the room and was fishing for fishers-of-men. Who would allow themselves to be chosen from the deepest depths of their beings? There were fish-hooks coming down from heaven - searching for the willing ones.
"Yeshua's skin smelled like fish -- oily and salty, like the ocean. Beloved husband-- We are married to a Fisherman!
"He took my face in His hands and tenderly kissed my forehead. His rough Fisher-man hands I could feel on the sides of my face. He kept doing that - -He kept kissing my forehead with blessing -- it felt like He was kissing my mind with the Spirit of Understanding for fishing.
"His Isaiah 6 train was a fisherman's net and it went out among us, into the room at this moment. The train of His robe filled the temple/room -- Who will go for Me?, He asked. (from Isaiah 6: 1-8)."
"During the corporate worship at the beginning of the meeting, I saw Yeshua appear as a Fisherman, high and lifted up over us all. He showed us His hands. I could see that His finger-tips were pricked with handling the fishhooks that He used to fish for the souls of men and women. His hands were weather-worn, strong, and dry from work. I kissed them, thanking Him.
"Then I saw Him pulling in a net of fish. He was using big and thick ropes -- heavy -- His net was heavy, just full of fresh fish. He was walking towards us. I could see that His left shoulder was bruised and slightly bleeding, because the weight of the load of fish that hung in His net, slung over His shoulder, was so heavy. His shoulders and arms were strong for the task. I blessed His labor.
"I then saw silver Fish-hooks coming down from heaven -- He was looking over the room and was fishing for fishers-of-men. Who would allow themselves to be chosen from the deepest depths of their beings? There were fish-hooks coming down from heaven - searching for the willing ones.
"Yeshua's skin smelled like fish -- oily and salty, like the ocean. Beloved husband-- We are married to a Fisherman!
"He took my face in His hands and tenderly kissed my forehead. His rough Fisher-man hands I could feel on the sides of my face. He kept doing that - -He kept kissing my forehead with blessing -- it felt like He was kissing my mind with the Spirit of Understanding for fishing.
"His Isaiah 6 train was a fisherman's net and it went out among us, into the room at this moment. The train of His robe filled the temple/room -- Who will go for Me?, He asked. (from Isaiah 6: 1-8)."